Social Media Spotlight – Angry Birds

Social Media Spotlight – Angry Birds

Whatever your thoughts on the Angry Birds phenomenon, it has proven itself as the brand that doesn’t want to go away. This week we’ll be taking a look at their Facebook presence and breaking down why they’re so good on Social Media.

Look at this, just look how pretty this is.

Image is everything
If you head on over to the Angry Birds Facebook page and scroll down, you’ll see dozens upon dozens of high quality, well formatted and often exclusive pictures. This is one of the first stages that companies fall down, presenting boring images, recycling traditional marketing literature which turns off fans, repeating images and often embedding text into photos that gets cropped in the preview window.

The Angry Birds timeline features none of these. The page is updated regularly (1-2 times a day, exactly what we recommend), photos are added which help tell a story on the page for regular followers. For the last few weeks they’ve been approaching the launch of Angry Birds Star Wars 2 later this month, so there have been regular character reveals within that period. This sort of activity builds momentum and encourages fans to return and re-engage.

Almost impossible not to say “AWWWW”

Fan service
Angry Birds on Facebook combines fan art, sneak previews of future cartoon episodes, original artwork, different art styles, treats for fans including school timetables, Christmas cards, Valentine’s cards, and birthday invitations ready to be printed. They even included one fan’s drawing in an episode of the animated Angry Birds series. Which other companies do you know that have a photo album filled with pictures of cakes made by fans?

Pictures of Angry Birds cakes have been shared over 17,000 times on Facebook.

Evolution of the page
Going back to the early days of the Angry Birds Facebook page, you can see the difference in the level of polish. Check out these pictures from a couple of years ago:

The enthusiasm was obviously still there, but the formatting and quality of the images were not so polished. Flash forward a year to around August 2012 and the Angry Birds page really started to hit its stride. Changing their cover and profile photo regularly (both always perfectly matched, naturally), making sure image previews look good, mixing up art styles and keeping headlines short, concise, to the point.

Replying to fans
Not only do the Angry Birds page admins respond to fans, they do it with a sense of humour. Look at this post that speculates on whether Angry Birds GO is going to be a Kart Racing game (it is):

This is something their fans obviously like and value. They even have the Bad Piggies making guest comments:

For such a busy page, the amount of fan posts they manage to address and reply to is remarkable.

As we bring our love-in to an end, let’s recap the main areas in which the Angry Birds Facebook page really shines:

Great mix of relevant content, faultlessly presented
   -Direct marketing messages are mixed with exclusive content and fan art.
High engagement levels
   -The Angry Birds benefit from a strong community management team.
Relevant Content
   -The people in charge of content are tuned into what their audience wants.

Well done Angry Birds. Squawk!

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