Tools in the Newsroom

Tools in the Newsroom

Working with newsrooms across Europe gives us insights into how they work in practice, when cultural hurdles are in play. Usage of tools is both essential and a constant pain point in any modern newsroom.

One challenge can be to understand where different tools fit along the editorial workflow. Which tools tend to cover the same areas and which are complementary?

We spoke to digital experts from newsrooms across Europe to find out not only what tools were in use, but how they have been implemented. This result of this collaboration is an exclusive white paper which you can download here.

Key Trends

We’ve noticed trends across different publishers and different countries.

A desire to reduce the number of tools overall.

Here money is not necessarily the driving factor, but other factors such as the administrative overhead. Maintaining some level of expertise and usage amongst journalists who are already suffering from information overload is a hard sell.

Fewer, more relevant numbers

Although the KPIs change from publisher to publisher, many we’ve spoken to agree that pinpointing a few key metrics and making them accessible is the most productive method.

Making data visible

From asking people to log in somewhere, to an always on, always visible dashboard. Analytics dashboards have sat ignored in newsrooms for a long time, it is nothing new. Giving them top billing next to rolling news coverage as part of a bank of screens has become more common, and according to those we’ve spoken to, more effective.

Go ahead and download our report “Tools in the Newsroom” for free. We hope you find it helpful.

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