Instagram goes Realtime

Instagram goes Realtime

Almost 6000 journalists around the world use EzyInsights Realtime for monitoring content. We’ve just upgraded it for all of you.

One of the most requested features has been to include Instagram within our Realtime tool. We’ve worked solidly for the past few months to find a way to include Instagram content in a way that fits our real-time model. We’re now proud to announce that after testing with select clients, we are rolling out the feature to everyone, effective immediately.

EzyInsights monitors and records engagement on content from tens of thousands of publishers, pages and websites. We work with a unique story-centric model that collects engagement on articles across different social platforms. The benefit of this is to see the true performance of any article, whether it happens to be a hit on FB, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pintrest or even on the website (via web shares). Instagram is slightly different. There isn’t the same concept of ‘articles’ on Instagram as there is on Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook. This means that posts made on Instagram pages will generate engagement only on that platform.

What does this mean for users?

We’ve implemented Instagram in the most frictionless way possible for current users. As you use Ezy, you’ll naturally start to see Instagram posts appear alongside other stories if they reach the levels of engagement needed. If you’d like to see only Instagram posts, or even exclude them completely from your view, it’s as easy as clicking a single button in the filtering menu.

What do I need to do?

Tell us the pages you want to follow on Instagram. We are constantly adding pages from all over the world, but if you have a suggestion of a page or a list of pages you’d like to monitor right now let us know. Otherwise, enjoy your updated EzyInsights experience!

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