Mobile Usage on Social Media

Mobile Usage on Social Media

Mobile phone usage and the consumption of data in an ever increasingly connected world is a topic that has interested me for quite a while. In this article I express a few thoughts on the subject and would be very eager to get your thoughts on the topic too.

This is going to be hard not to sound like an advertisement for my Amazing Nokia Lumia 820 but demoing the people hub to my cool colleagues at EzyInsights recently drew their attention to a few interesting things.

Apps Or App-less

The new Nokia Asha 501 has a Facebook app built into the phone. Deals are being struck, in India for example, with operators to provide Facebook access for free. However the Windows Phone 8 Operating System has Facebook so deeply integrated that you don’t actually need an app.

EzyInsights Group

With the people & picture hub all* of  your Social Media content is brought to you in one place. You can really customise and create groups so that all your Social Media activity is really about the people that are closest to you.

Facebook Stream

* LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter

What does this mean?

No app required – no advertising for one!! Is this going to be a blow for Facebook? Probably not since the amount of Windows Phone users is not that high right now – but I live in hope 🙂 Of course, there is “home” that is being steadily downloaded by Android users – it recently hit 1 million downloads; but that is less than Windows Phone users right now.

Different in All Devices

One of the things that I find most interesting is that the news feed content that you see depends on the device that you are viewing it on. I see different people’s posts on different devices – making the desire to create you own lists even more appealing.

Mobile Usage

Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg told investors last year:

Someone who uses only our desktop product has only a 40% likelihood of using Facebook on a given day. But someone who uses mobile has a 70% likelihood of using Facebook on a given day. This stat is surprising to many people and very good news for our opportunity on mobile.

Media Consumption

Device screen size, data network transfer speeds and availability, location and surroundings make consumption very different depending on your device. If you take the figures from the quotation and take into account the research done by Experian, there is a huge opportunity to get into the lives of the “consumer”.

A recent report by Motorola Mobility around video consumption also brought up some great points about content consumption, highlights for me include:

Younger Audiences are more likely to engage with programming via social media

Though it appears that the majority do not avidly follow online chatter, people are more likely to use Social Media channels to recommend content than they are to make oral recommendations (38 per cent versus 34 per cent).

So how does a brand get their message across?

Take care – it’s not (at) all about marketing. In fact Avinash Kaushik sums it up rather well with the image in this post. Conversations and managing relationships are  vital.

So what about you? Do you spend more time on mobile compared to desktop on Social Media? Apps or built in client?

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