Web Shares matter more than Post engagement

Web Shares matter more than Post engagement

Web Shares now deliver the majority of engagement for newsrooms and publishers in several European countries. If you don’t track Web Shares you could be missing over half of your engagement.

What is a Web Share?

Total engagement on social media has two components, Post engagement and Web Shares.

  • Post engagement occurs on the original post by the publisher. It shows how many times readers like, comment and share the original social media post.
  • Web Share engagement is based on individual readers going to the publisher’s website and sharing the article to their personal social media accounts.

Web Shares in performance measurement and analytics

Tracking only posts on social media platforms you’ll miss roughly 50% of engagement and 80% of published content. Web Shares (individual readers sharing articles on their personal social media accounts) deliver a significant amount of your total social engagement.

Due to the latest Facebook algorithm changes (see our recent research reports at ezyinsights.com/papers) the importance of Web Shares has overtaken Post Engagement in the past year.

Web Shares in news gathering

Typically newsrooms post 15 to 25 articles on a single social media channel daily. That could be less than 10% of their daily articles. If you’re discovering trending news through Facebook posts alone you’ll miss most new content because stories published only on a website will be generating significant engagement through Web Shares.

Tracking Web Shares together with Post engagement gives you an accurate view of what is really popular.

Web Shares in selected countries

Let’s take a look at Web Shares in selected countries across Europe and see how much of the total engagement they account for.

We analysed the top three publishers (based on their social media engagement) in Denmark, France, The Netherlands and Sweden. We measured  total Facebook engagement over three separate points in time; December 2016, August 2017 and August 2018. Each data point contains one week’s worth of engagement data.


In France, Post engagement retains a slim majority. Looking at the current trend, Web Shares will make up the majority of engagement within 6 months.

The Netherlands

The growing importance of Web Shares is more dramatic in The Netherlands. Web Shares by quantity had already passed On-Post engagement in September 2017.


In Sweden, one of the most developed online media landscapes, the trend is similar to other countries covered in our analysis. The importance of Web Shares has grown steadily, overtaking Post engagement in August 2018.


In Denmark, web Shares now account for the majority of social media engagement.


For a complete view, it is essential that publishers, newsrooms and journalists track both Post and Web Share engagement.

Web Shares behave differently across the editorial workflow.

  1. Web Shares in performance measurement. Web Shares deliver, depending on the country, roughly 50% of the total engagement. One should track both Post and Web Share based engagement to get a complete picture.
  2. Web Shares in news gathering. Tracking social media platforms for trending and viral stories is important. If you don’t track Web Shares you’ll miss up to 90% of the content as publishers typically post only a fraction of their content on social media platforms. Web Shares enable you to find stories being shared by individual readers regardless of whether they’ve been posted on social media by the publisher.


What’s next?

Interested in tracking Web Shares in your newsroom? Request a demo!

Interested in specific publishers or countries? Ask us a question!

Background materials

Below we have included the raw data used in this article.
Data source for analysis: SoMe Index (someindex.com). The dates mentioned in the data tables and in the chart are publication dates of the data. Each data point contains data for one week (i.e. 7 days).

Country specific data sets:

Engagement data for Denmark

Date Publisher Total engagement On-post Web Shares
Aug 21st 2018 TV 2 Danmark 701 372 376 319 325 050
dr.dk 336 028 112 560 223 459
Ekstra Bladet 220 682 86 986 133 696
Sum 1 258 082 575 865 682 205
Aug 15th 2017 TV 2 Danmark 908 203 554 017 353 926
BT 381 690 192 805 188 885
dr.dk 284 793 175 936 108 663
Sum 1 574 686 922 758 651 474
Dec 6th 2016 TV 2 Danmark 1 172 866 760 882 411 745
dr.dk 478 646 335 992 142 343
Ekstra Bladet 363 783 205 210 158 494
Sum 2 015 295 1 302 084 712 582

Engagement data for France

Publisher Total engagement On-post Web Shares
Dec 6th 2016 20 Minutes 2 354 084 1 255 899 1 097 146
minutebuzz 1 701 819 1 701 819 N/A
L’EQUIPE 1 519 487 1 402 732 116 737
BFMTV 1 366 162 1 103 924 261 879
Sum 6 941 552 5 464 374 1 475 762
Aug 15th 2017 Sais-tu que ? 2 277 483 2 277 483 N/A
BFMTV 2 222 068 1 191 070 1 026 409
20 Minutes 2 139 341 1 110 471 1 027 610
Sum 8 005 054 5 682 948 2 315 898
Aug 21st 2018 BFMTV 1 668 325 884 453 783 863
Le Parisien 1 487 413 657 755 829 640
Le Meilleur du Football 1 070 075 1 070 075 N/A
France Télévisions 1 054 106 532 080 522 019
Sum 5 279 919 3 144 363 2 135 522

Engagement data for The Netherlands

Publisher Total engagement On-post Web Shares
Dec 6th 2016 dumpert.nl 625 203 592 692 32 508
AD.nl 403 560 276 080 127 016
Metro Holland 266 105 206 230 59 857
Sum 1 294 868 1 075 002 219 381
Aug 15th 2017 AD.nl 541 900 275 148 265 516
NOS 504 755 277 112 224 477
voetbalzone 500 424 301 903 198 521
Sum 1 547 079 854 163 688 514
Aug 21st 2018 AD.nl 503 360 169 186 334 174
De Telegraaf 351 847 111 568 240 276
NU.nl 319 245 103 602 215 630
Sum 1 174 452 384 356 790 080

Engagement data for Sweden

Publisher Total engagement On-post Web Shares
Dec 6th 2016 Newsner 1 353 329 1 059 360 293 968
Expressen 1 008 315 543 894 464 158
Aftonbladet 999 614 613 428 386 142
Sum 3 361 258 2 216 682 1 144 268
Aug 15th 2017 Newsner 1 530 403 1 071 147 459 244
Aftonbladet 1 202 434 764 667 437 503
Expressen 1 057 149 600 582 456 279
Sum 3 789 986 2 436 396 1 353 026
Aug 21st 2018 Expressen 1 279 131 408 246 870 864
Newsner 1 138 022 858 573 279 445
Aftonbladet 919 338 314 466 604 872
Sum 3 336 491 1 581 285 1 755 181


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