Category «Facebook»

The Real Value of Likes

Over the past few months here at EzyInsights we have been talking a lot about engagement levels in Social Media and how the number of likes alone does not add any real value to your Social Media presence.  Last week we published a pretty funky infographic on why it’s about more than just Likes . Today we …

Facebook Lists – What Are They?

What you see in your Facebook stream is a very user-centric experience. You should be seeing updates and activities of the people closest to you. Based on the EdgeRank formula your stream should be filled with content related to your friends experiences, likes and interactions. Although today on desktop you do see a lot of promoted posts …


Following on from the knowing your audience blog this post covers relationships in Social Media. Listening to your customers when they have problems is vital to your business right now. I will talk about this in coming posts, but today I write about your business or brand in the future and how setting the foundation …

Know Your Audience

As already discussed almost anything can be measured, but not all metrics are applicable to you, your business or brand. Often you will be asked by your management for metrics – quite often these are just vanity metrics (such as fan page likes): they may look good and give you an indication of how large …

Facebook Like – Really?

What is the obsession with Likes? Many brands look at the number of likes they have on their pages. To me, this is an almost totally useless metric. Think of a “like” as a “visit” to your website. Of course you want as many people coming to your site as your servers can handle but …

Seeing ROE In Facebook

Following on from “An Introduction to Return on Engagement” I decided to elaborate a bit on ROE. With the marketing channel shift your brand has a great opportunity to be part of the ongoing monitization of Social Media. Brands have to figure out what is the best way to “influence” the consumers in a way …