Tag «web analytics»

How worried should publishers be about the latest Facebook algorithm change?

Yesterday Facebook announced an upcoming change to News Feed ranking that essentially further prioritises stories posted by friends over ones posted by anyone else – including publishers and brands. Engineering Director Lars Backstrom reiterates Facebook’s priority of keeping users connected to the people, places and things they care about, people on their friends list being the most important. …

Simple Web Analytics Metric Definitions

You have a web site, and you may even have wonderful analytics tools built in. But what does it all mean? Here’s a quick summary of some of the available metrics that should be available to you. Layman’s terms are in italics after each definition. This example comes from WordPress, some tools have more metrics available, …

What is tracking code?

What is tracking code? Tracking code is a small piece of JavaScript that is placed your web pages. It usually sends an image request to your analytics vendor. From there the vendor gathers the information it’s been sent and calculates metrics that are then presented in a reporting interface for you, the user, to digest and analyze. Most …

An Introduction to Web Analytics

Web analytics enables you to measure your site’s performance, see where people are coming from to view it and see what they are actually doing on your site when they are there. There are a number of tools, both free and paid, that can give your this option but they usually need some sort of …