Category «Best practices»

How one photo from Norway travelled around the world

A seemingly ordinary picture of a cruise ship docked in Tromsø delivered extraordinary results to NTB recently.  The image was used in nearly 500 articles by news outlets all over the world including publications like CNN, BBC, The Guardian, Washington Post, Time, South China Morning Post, Forbes, Al-Jazeera  and Frankfurter Allgemeine, reports Medier24. “It’s a …

Half of News Agencies’ Stories Get Picked Up Within the First 5 Hours of Publication

How quickly do publishers pick up your stories and exactly how long is the tail of content published by news agencies? At EzyInsights we track a great number of stories published by news agencies across the globe. We track even more stories by news media and other publishers that quote and replicate news agencies’ stories.  …

Viral publishers can still grow on Facebook

Say what you want about Facebook, but media publishers are still able to engage with their audiences there. And it’s not only national broadcasters or well-known brands either. This year Facebook traffic bounced back (somewhat) across the board for publishers. Sceptical? Take a look at Sosialnytt – a small Norwegian publisher who started out sharing …

How to grow on Instagram without ads – Interview with Patricia Tiihonen from YLE

How can you grow engagement and reach organically on Instagram? We asked Patricia Tiihonen, the social media guru at Finland’s public service broadcaster whose @yleuutiset is currently the biggest news page in Finland.Q: Patricia, what’s your number one advice on growing Instagram engagement?
First you need to think of your goals on Instagram: what is the …

The most retweeted tweet ever

  The most retweeted tweet ever Yusaku Maezawa, founder of Japanese online retailer Zozotown, got +5 Million retweets with a budget of 9200 USD Top three most retweeted tweets #3. Ellen De Generes’s Oscar selfie with 3.3 Million retweets If only Bradley's arm was longer. Best photo ever. #oscars— Ellen DeGeneres (@EllenDeGeneres) March 3, …

We are living through the big growth of Instagram: Interview with Mediaset’s Social Media Manager

There’s no end in sight for publishers’ interest in Instagram, now that it is bringing more and more social traffic. Having talked with VG from Norway and their brand-focused strategy, we turned to Spain’s largest television network – Mediaset. Social Media Manager Sonia Got Leibar shared her insights into how they approach Instagram.     …

Build Your Brand, Traffic Will Follow: Interview with VG about Instagram

With 1 billion users worldwide, Instagram is 6th most popular social platform according to Statista and Hootsuit, after Facebook, YouTube, WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, and WeChat. While Facebook remains the biggest source of social traffic for most publishers, Instagram’s referral traffic is growing fast. Once an account reaches 10,000 followers, you can embed links into Stories, …

How to see what’s trending on Instagram

Create a dedicated Instagram filter in EzyInsights Since we introduced Instagram to EzyInsights earlier this year, its importance for publishers has grown. “Instagram referrer traffic to publishers has grown 232% since January 2017” – Chartbeat. The best performing Instagram posts appear in your feed alongside other trending stories. However, Insta posts might get lost among …

How to Drive Facebook Referral Traffic: Focus on Engagement

There is a simple equation between social engagement and organic website traffic. The more people you can engage around your content on any social platform, the more people you can bring to your website. Both ad-based and subscription-based business models can benefit from this logic. The formula is simple, but how can you apply it …