Category «EzyInsights»

Publiceringsbranchen och sociala medier under 2015.

EzyInsights arbetar, med vår törst för data som drivkraft, med många högt uppsatta publicister i Finland och Sverige och har därmed ett unikt fågelperspektiv över denna bransch. Här är en översikt över det gångna året och vad som kan hända under 2015. Öka reklamintäkterna på nätet Online CPM-intäkter minskar, men varför? En viktig orsak är …

Facebook’s latest changes back it up: Engagement is what matters.

Triggered by Business Insider’s dramatic proclamation: “Facebook Slightly Tweaked How The Site Works — And It Screwed An Entire Profession” One particular upset commentator noted: Yes, Alexander – there is something wrong with that – you shouldn’t have been trying to gather page fans in the first place. At EzyInsights we try to convey at …

Understanding your data (Part 1)

The problem isn’t data, it’s understanding what it means. Data is a word that’s used again and again these days, big data, using data to make decisions, data driven design. But with the tools available today, getting data about your company is relatively trivial – the real question is what is that data actually telling …

4 Ways of Advertising on Facebook – Social Media Is Not An Advertising Platform

Perhaps a contradictory statement, but I wanted to highlight methods of advertising on Facebook. Businesses still seem to be searching for tangible Return on Investments (ROI)  from their Social Media presences but as the title says, to paraphrase Avinash Kaushik: Social Media Is Not An Advertising Platform. It is a platform to nurture and deepen relationships. This …

EzyInsights NYC Diary: AdWeek 2013 – PART 4

Documenting EzyInsight’s trip to NYC, as told in the unique voice of our Business Development Manager, Christel “Titte” Vaenerberg. So much is happening here and I want to be in many places at the same time. But I have to choose. I decided check out the CMO technology symposium – CMO’s and their opinion upon …

EzyInsights NYC Diary: AdWeek 2013 – PART 3

Documenting EzyInsight’s trip to NYC, as told in the unique voice of our Business Development Manager, Christel “Titte” Vaenerberg. So Tuesday was an interesting day… One issue for me today was seeing so few women on the panels. I attended four sessions, only one had a woman on stage. Under the topic of “Big Data” …

EzyInsights NYC Diary: AdWeek 2013 – PART 2

Documenting EzyInsight’s trip to NYC, as told in the unique voice of our Business Development Manager, Christel “Titte” Vaenerberg. The Wi-Fi woes continue. Now it’s Tuesday morning, still no Wi-Fi anywhere. And you cannot buy a sim card for your iPad – AND you cannot create a hotspot from your local sim card. Very LOW …

EzyInsights NYC Diary: AdWeek 2013 – PART 1

Welcome to the first post documenting EzyInsight’s trip to New York, as told in the unique voice of our Business Development Manager, Christel “Titte” Vaenerberg. Firstly, hello all. Secondly, it has been a messy first morning, this city is really lousy with wifi. At a mobile morning there was no wifi!! My hotel, The Carlton …